How Developing New Skills Can Help Your Business

The role of a business owner demands a perpetual commitment to developing new skills and putting in place a personal development plan. Because technical innovations, customer expectations and a constantly-changing market are evolving faster and faster, a skill set that is both agile and expansive are needed. Coupled with a strategic roadmap to enhance your…

Fun at Work is an Essential Ingredient for a Great Business

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, many employers and employees can view work as a serious and stressful endeavor. However, research shows that creating a fun workplace culture can have numerous benefits for both the employees and the company’s bottom line. From increased employee engagement to improved innovation, fun at work can lead to…

Developing Trust in Business Relationships

It takes time and effort, but developing trust in business relationships is a valuable investment in your business reputation and success. By consistently demonstrating trust, you can build strong and lasting relationships with customers and partners. Why is Trust Important? Trust is the foundation of any successful business relationship as it creates a positive and…

Good Business Ethics Are Good For Business

Good ethics are important in business because they establish the foundation for responsible decision making and behaviors. Creating and adhering to ethical principles can help to build trust and credibility among customers, employees and other stakeholders, and are key elements in creating a positive company culture. In other words, good business ethics are good for…

Business Owner Checklist

When growing or preparing to sell, each owner should begin to tabulate those activities, documents and plans they need for a successful exit. Use this checklist to get started, then find the expertise needed to assure you are ready. Preliminary-Business-Owner-Checklist-for-Personal-Goals

Why You Should Manage Your Wealth Like A Business

The number of high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI) is growing. A considerable percentage of these populations is made up of entrepreneurial families who’ve created wealth by developing their businesses. For the majority, there is a distinct contrast between how they manage their business versus how they manage their wealth. What’s perplexing is that the very entrepreneurs…

Ownership Has Its Privileges

Walk down Nashville’s Lower Broadway any night of the week, and you can hear aspiring artists belting out cover tunes from Elton John to Garth Brooks.   In many cases, these musicians come to Nashville to be discovered but pay their rent using the tips they get by playing other people’s songs. Most are lucky to…